Recommended resources

to explore the Principles of Quality of Mind

‘Three Principles’ books

Invisible Power. Source: Amazon UK.

Invisible Power: Insight Principles at Work
by Manning, Charbit and Krot

This is a great pragmatic and business-focused book. Ken and Robin are you mentors, friends and partners.

The Inside Out. Source: Amazon UK.

The Inside-Out Revolution: The Only Thing You Need to Know to Change Your Life Forever
by Neill

Michael Neill has a great writing style. This book is easy to grasp, engaging and has numerous great memorable metaphors.

Coming home book cover. Source: Amazon UK.

Coming Home by Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloff

This book is small in size but really powerful. If you’re short of time yet what some bite-size powerful reading, that’ll stop you in your tracks - this is the book.

The little book of big change. Source: Amazon UK

The Little Book of Big Change by Amy Johnson

This book comes highly recommended from a client and friend who had some addictive habits. It’s great if you want to shift your thinking about things such as food or drink or smoking.

Clarity book cover. Source: Amazon UK

Clarity by Jamie Smart

Another good quick read helping you reflect on and learn about your human experience.


Fascinating videos

Videos about the nature of reality & flow


Do we see reality as it is? By Donald Hoffman

What Is Reality: The Brain with David Eagleman

Your brain hallucinates your conscious reality by Anil Seth

Surrendering Yourself To The Flow by Anand Ji Mehrotra


 Other Books (on related topics)

Stealing fire book cover. Source: Amazon UK.

Stealing fire by Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal

An interesting read on the topic of ‘flow’. It shares much of the work going on regarding flow state - a powerful Non-Ordinary State of Consciousness.

A beginners guide to reality book cover. Source: Amazon UK.

A Beginner’s Guide to Reality by Jim Baggott

A fascinating look at reality from multiple perspectives - helping you see the illusion that you’re living in.

Supernormal book cover. Source: Amazon UK.

Supernormal by Dean Radin

Look at the incredible power of the mind from a scientific and ancient understanding. We’re just uncovering now, what was written in the yogic scriptures 3000 years ago.

Incognito book cover. Source: Amazon UK

Incognito by David Eagleman

A neuro-scientists perspective about how the brain works.

Biocentrism book cover. Source: Amazon UK

Biocentrism by Robert Lanza and Bob Berman

A fascinating look at the role consciousness plays in creating the universe and the world we live in.

“A new way of looking at the old problem of our existence”

The nature of consciousness book cover. Source: Amazon UK

The Nature of Consciousness by Rupert Spira

A deep experiential exploration of consciousness from a leading Non-Dual teacher.

Our own podcasts

 ‘Three Principles’ podcasts