Helping you be calm and clear-thinking in these challenging times
Webinar (1hr01) originally created for Not Actively Looking (Executive Search site) on May 15, 2020.
In this session, Rena Loizou, Executive Coach at The Pragma Group (now Unbounded), provides unique perspectives to help you through these challenging COVID-19 times.
If you like this webinar, you might be interested in information about our talk - “Keep calm & clear-thinking during crises”
The rational vs the intuitive mind
Are your beliefs limiting what is possible?
In this video, Unbounded’s Martin Palethorpe delves into the profound impact that subconscious beliefs can have on our ability to achieve our goals and live the life we want.
Look. It’s pretty bloody obvious… if you don’t look at your health & wellbeing, you’ll get illness or disease. The body tells the score and will always catch up with you at some point.
In the video above, Unbounded’s Martin Palethorpe explores the concept of separate realities, revealing how our minds shape our perspectives on relationships.
The key part of leading with conviction is to get clear about what you've got conviction about.
Every day, I work with people who tell me they are too busy, and who believe it's this busyness that is causing them stress, perhaps even burnout. But what is busyness?
Join us in January for a very special New Year Quality of mind Programme