Be inner directed

Video (0:1:44) by Martin Palethorpe.

Martin Palethorpe talks about leading from the wisdom inside of you, rather than being dominated by what others think.

"I've just had a coaching session with an amazing client. He's a great leader. He's the boss of a medium-size business. But what he finds himself is overly influenced by others. That was the conversion we were having. He was overly influenced by others. And what others think shapes so much of what he does and how he does it and the decisions that he makes.

Now, it's quite an extreme scenario where it means that he's over-analysing and over-worrying more than necessary which is draining him. And, actually, as I pointed out to him, it means that he can come across more as a weak leader as a result of that.

I'm suggesting to you that there's only one true way to lead. Yes, take on board the views of other. Yes, take on board data from wherever you can get it, but the key thing with leadership is to listen to the wisdom inside you. What is your guts to say, what is your intuition say, and to be guided by that.

You're never going to be liked by everybody. You're never going to be accepted or embraced by everyone. But the key is to be true to yourself, to listen to your wisdom, to search for the wisdom inside you on any decision regardless how complex and let that be your guide. And what you'll find is that you'll end up being a way more authentic and powerful leader that will serve not only you but everyone around you."


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