Be here now. A poem to inspire you to follow your path

You will stumble.
You will fall and bruise yourself.
You will feel like giving up.
The path won't always seem clear.

But remember, friend:
You are forever on the path.
Losing the path is part of the path.
Forgetting the path is part of the path.

Your true path cannot be lost.
Your true path is wherever you are.

- Jeff Foster

It’s your path

I love this poem. We often are frustrated about where we are. Things aren’t right and I want to be somewhere else. I want more money, a bigger job, a nicer house, a better partner, easier kids, less problems. I want to be on the path that someone else is on. Everyone else seems to have cracked it. And on Facebook everyone seems happy.

The voice in the head, if we become immersed by it, has us feel frustrated.

But supposing you were exactly where you’re supposed to be. Everything that is in your life right now is part of your path - all the good and all the challenging. It’s your path. There’s nowhere else to be, other than here now, with everything as it is.

There is no nirvana. There is no place that you’re going to get to, where everything is perfect. And if you realise this deeply, then the struggle in the need to get there can reduce.

Be here now in this moment, with all its richness.

One step at a time

The path is also not always clear. It’s often uncertain. It’s like the future is veiled by a curtain. In some areas of your life, it’s like there’s a thick fog ahead. Not knowing what you want to do, or where you want to live. Often struggling with in certain relationships. We live in frustration - striving and struggling to try to work things out with our rational mind.

When you’re on a path through the mountains, you don’t really need to work out all the future directions. Stay walking one step at a time, choosing simply where you’re putting the next step. Know that as you take the simple obvious steps right in front of you, that is all you need to do. The future directions will become clear to you, as you need to know them. The fog will clear as and when it is ready to clear. All will be revealed.

Your key focus is to embrace the path, your path, in this moment right now. In this moment, what is there that you do know? What is clear to you?

Everything on your path is here for your learning

Sometimes we get frustrated with what’s on our path. We get frustrated with a situation or a person. My invite to you is to see that all situations are an opportunity for your transformation and your growth. Will you learn from it, gain insight and develop as a human? Or will you just fight it, be frustrated with it… so that when a similar situation arises again (as it inevitably will!), you react in the same way.

Everything on your path is an opportunity for you. Enjoy everything on it, embrace all of your path. Be here now.


Taking a stand.


Vikesh on the limitless magic within us