How much time do you spend in your intuitive creative magical mind?
The rational vs the intuitive mind

Are your beliefs limiting what is possible?
Are your beliefs limiting what is possible?
In this video, Unbounded’s Martin Palethorpe delves into the profound impact that subconscious beliefs can have on our ability to achieve our goals and live the life we want.

Are you prioritising your wellbeing?
Look. It’s pretty bloody obvious… if you don’t look at your health & wellbeing, you’ll get illness or disease. The body tells the score and will always catch up with you at some point.

How you can improve your relationships
In the video above, Unbounded’s Martin Palethorpe explores the concept of separate realities, revealing how our minds shape our perspectives on relationships.

How could you lead with greater conviction?
The key part of leading with conviction is to get clear about what you've got conviction about.

How can you feel less busy and less stressed?
Every day, I work with people who tell me they are too busy, and who believe it's this busyness that is causing them stress, perhaps even burnout. But what is busyness?

How much time do you spend in your intuitive creative magical mind?
Join us in January for a very special New Year Quality of mind Programme

Participants sharing from Quality of Mind programme October 2023
We welcomed a group who spent three days in the Hampshire countryside, learning about the mind and leaving with profound insights about their own life and work and a greater awareness of their thinking.
Listen to what they had to say about then programme.

Which type of frog are you?
I wrote this a month back. It seems more relevant to reflect on than ever…

A video worth watching
Please do have a watch of this. We’d love to know your feedback.
Or Conscious Leaders Development Programme is so powerful and so needed for the world of today.

Why do holidays work?
Meet Joe. Joe is my fictitious client (created as an avatar of many who I work with).
Joe works extremely hard during the year, and often feels stressed. He doesn’t have great life balance during a typical working week. He always wishes that he did more exercise. He's slightly overweight and drinks too much.
When it gets to August Joe is desperate for his holiday.

Martin and Gina talk about the Conscious Leadership Programme
We believe that we have the easiest way to help an organisation transform, which is to cause deep, profound, powerful, lasting and transformational, change in the leaders who are key to leading the organisation.

How to avoid burnout
In this post, we're going to be exploring the topic of avoiding burnout.
And the challenge we see is that we live in complex and ever-changing world right now. There's so much change going on with globalisation, with technology, with the climate, with political uncertainty, economic uncertainty and so on.
And people feel very busy, busy in their life and busy in their heads.

Are you aware or are you sleepwalking?
Are you aware in any moment or are you sleepwalking through your life?
Being aware, it's about tuning into what's actually going on in the moment, naming it and doing something with it. Let me give you three examples.

Are you living sustainably? Are you leading sustainably?
Are you living sustainably? Are you leading sustainably? Some questions to ask yourself…

Four tension patterns in the month of August - which ones affect you?
What tensions do you notice that exist for you in the month of August?
There is something about the holiday time period that seems to create unhelpful patterns for many people. Here are four such patterns that I notice. Which one(s) affect(s) you?

Yoga and Quality of Mind
There are powerful links between the ancient practice of yoga, and our Quality of Mind programme.