Life is your Development Course

We often go on courses to learn things. We think learning is a rational mind thing, so we go on courses to learn some tools and techniques to help us refine behaviours and do some things better. 

But the real learning, the most profound learning is in the moment, day-by-day. 

  • How are you reacting to your boss when he says he’s not happy with your project? 

  • How do you deal with your partner when he/she is upset? 

  • How do you deal with yourself when you’re frustrated?

  • What habits have you got that you’d love to break?

  • What ineffective behaviours do you have that you’re not even aware of?   

Are these situations just happening in your life? And happening repeatedly? Are you having similar  thoughts, behaviours and a similar experience each time? 

Life, moment by moment, is your development course. 

This became extremely apparent for me when I spent three quarantined weeks with the new love of my life this July. She’s an amazing lady, who also has a strong focus on her own personal development. As we got to know each other, we observed each other, explored realtime many of each other’s thoughts, behaviours, and comments. As well as being a beautiful three weeks, it was the most profound learning opportunity for me. I put myself under the microscope. Amongst other things, I looked at:

  • When I’m loving vs when I’m caught up being the task-focused driver

  • Being present in the moment vs being distracted by my inner voice. 

  • What’s going on in my mind when I can’t sit still   

  • How my thinking about making money can dominate what I do and how I show up 

  • How insecurity impacts me in relationship  

My invite to you is to use life as your course. Every moment of every day gives you food for thought, fodder to look at yourself, to challenge your thinking, to learn to improve to transform.

Make sure you have time to stop, to reflect, to journal, to discuss these things with a partner, a friend or a coach. 

You have to become conscious of what you’re unconscious of. You have to learn about the mind and how it works, so that you’re not caught up in what the mind is producing. This is the key to learning and growing. This is the key to more Quality of Mind - in the form of peace of mind, more productivity, more clarity, more kindness and being a better partner, a better leader, a better human.  


Being Agile in a Changing World


Helping you be calm and clear-thinking in these challenging times