The 'working from home' mindset shift


I was talking to yet another organisation who has decided to give notice on their office space. They used to believe an office was critical to their company culture and to morale. They also thought it was important to manage people closely and drive performance.

And yet in the current crisis, they've shifted their perspective completely. They've found allsorts of benefits from home working, to the extent that they're not going back. Wow. 

So what's this point of blog? 

To highlight the way that our perspectives and our beliefs can change. 

Now if I'd tried to persuade the above client to give up their office pre-COVID-19, they would have stayed very fixed in their old thinking. "There's no way we could do that" 

Fixed thinking is a big problem in your world and in this entire world. It's blinding us. It's preventing us from being open to other possibility. It's limits our innovation. Fixed thinking also causes division and conflict between people.  

And one of the challenges with fixed thinking is that often it's going on subconsciously. You're likely to be unaware that you're stuck in unhelpful beliefs. 

So I wanted to pose the question. Where are you fixed in your thinking that is not helpful to you? Where would you like to open up to a different way of seeing things?

What about your thinking about yourself, your colleagues, your friends & family, your work? What beliefs do you have about what's not possible? Or about how things 'have to' be done? 

Remember the 'working from home' example. A dramatic mindset shift is possible at any point on any topic if you're aware, open and enquiring.  

To transform your own thinking, you might be interested in our Quality of Mind programmes.


Helping you be calm and clear-thinking in these challenging times


Have compassion for yourself during this time