Waking up - the deeper elements of our work

Thought-provoking ramblings from Martin... 


Unbounded’s deeper work is really about helping you on the journey to experiencing and exploring Consciousness. 

There is much work going on in this area - from neuroscientists, physicists, cognitive scientists, biologists, as well as from spiritual and religious groups. It’s so fascinating because it is at the core of all human experience and is totally unexplainable.

Consciousness is AWARENESS. It is what there is in your experience when everything else in your mind is stripped away (all your thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations and anything that comes through your senses). Some call it ’your highest self’ or your ’true nature’. It is the essence of being human, your soul. And some say that it is what survives even when your human body dies. 

When you experience consciousness, you lose all your thought-created stories that you currently live in.

You get in touch with your true nature and you access everything you’ve ever looked for. Flow state is one form of experiencing Consciousness. 
Consciousness is also what helps you realise that everything in the Cosmos is interconnected. Consciousness can be experienced by being aware, or through quiet time, meditation, floatation tanks, yoga, plant medicines (such as Ayahuasca), breathwork, even just sitting in nature.

The more you learn about it and experience it, the more you achieve of the following. You:

  • Become less stressed

  • Reevaluate what’s really important 

  • Become kinder to yourself and to others

  • Feel connected (at one) with nature and the planet

  • Achieve more with less effort

  • Become extremely creative

  • Are guided by (what feels like) a higher wisdom 

At Unbounded, this is what we’re in the business of - helping people get in touch with your true nature. Let’s call it ‘waking up’. You know that experience… when you wake up and realise something in a different way. You see how to lead people differently, or you see the impact of a big decision in a different way.
As you go through life, you may naturally wake up to certain things - just through life experience. But the more intentional personal development (of the right type) you undertake, the more you wake up to higher levels of consciousness. You then gain more access to a way of working, leading and living that you probably want.

Our Quality of Mind programmes give you these profound insights 

And you may say… "But I’m a driven logical business person. This sounds a bit soft, a bit wishy washy. It doesn’t sound pragmatic enough for me." 
Sure, exploring the mind and consciousness more deeply may sound a little off-the-wall. It may sound esoteric and not pragmatic enough. But actually it’s the opposite. By being different and experiential, it takes you further into a different realm of learning… one where you can make non-linear leaps forward. It is the key to transformation. By that we mean fundamentally radically changing, making quantum leaps forward.

And in a world that is proving increasingly challenging, we suggest the capacity for radical mindset shift and change is what you still require… as an individual, as a leader, as a leadership team, as an organisation.

It’s also what we collectively need for our society and the planet. So where are you at on this topic? I’m curious to know. If you’ve read this far, please do message me with your thoughts. And as I write all this, I need to make you aware of my own motive. 

As I’ve gone on my own journey of waking up (which is an ongoing daily journey), I have been getting clearer on my purpose in the world. My purpose is to help you fundamentally continue to transform how you think. My motive is that you live a happier life, that you run a better organisation, that you are kinder to all people, and importantly also that you lead and live in way that is deeply responsible to society and the planet. It is the only way that is going to work if we are to thrive as individuals & organisations and survive as a species.

You might like to read our Quality of Mind programmes.


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