Waking up - the key to more caring responsible leadership

I was at my son’s school rugby match this morning. I watched two cars drive off which were next to each other in the car park. One a Ferrari, the other a Tesla. The Ferrari revs loudly, screeches and wheel spins out the car park. The Tesla quietly glides out of its space and onto the main road.

I’m not judging either as a driver or a car owner. But it left me curious (especially in light of the Climate Emergency we face):

  • What’s level of consciousness are they each living from?

  • What awareness do either of the drivers have about the Emergency we're facing?

  • And if they are aware, to what extent are their life choices aligned with their awareness?

It fascinates me how everything we do and everything we buy - we’re largely doing driven by deep-rooted subconscious thought. It looks like we have free-will, but do we? We're largely on autopilot living out a life from this deeply programmed thought. And this programmed thought often has us operate with a significant focus on self-fulfilling our own needs and wants, oblivious to the wider impact of our choices.

It seems to me that we only really have free-will when we begin the long personal journey of 'waking up'; when we peel back the layers of thinking that have created the way we live (which feels like a life-long exploration). And waking up is the key to living a more fulfilling life, to being a better leader, to living in a more caring and responsible way. Waking up is also the best chance we have of saving our planet.

I love these two quotes:

“Awareness is all about restoring your freedom to choose what you want instead of what your past imposes on you.” - Deepak Chopra

"Brain is a reducing valve that restricts consciousness" - Aldous Huxley

If you'd like to live in a more caring and responsible way, then email us at chat@be-unbounded.com and let’s have a chat.


A new decade. Time to shed old thinking.


Mind Matters - think like a champion